N4C - Celebrating 50 years of supporting excellence in programs for young children.
Engage, network and advocate for early childhood excellence on campus.
Vision Statement: N4C will be the leader in the field of early childhood care and education representing the interests of children and families in the higher education and social policy arenas.
Mission Statement: The National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers (N4C) is a nonprofit educational membership organization supporting excellence in programs for young children in communities of higher learning by providing opportunities for leadership, professional development, networking, and advocacy.
Core Values:
We value excellence in education:
- EXCELLENCE: Provide child care programs with a multigenerational approach designed to meet the educational, research and service needs of higher education institutions.
- COLLABORATION: Cooperate and advocate with national organizations concerned with the study, care and education of young children.
- DIVERSITY: Reflect diversity in our membership, programs and our beliefs to enhance the understanding of issues related to children and families.
- LEADERSHIP: Be leaders in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education and represent the interests of children and families
Statement of Purpose
In order to fulfill its mission and philosophy, N4C is committed to:
- Educate individuals, groups and the professional community associated with all aspects of programs for young children through digital communication and conferences.
- Promote and conduct research on campuses which will influence the future directions of early childhood care and education and family-work support and which will assess the long-range effect of care and education on children and families, and sharing the results with the public.
- Promote the establishment, maintenance and, where appropriate, the expansion of high quality child care and early education programs to enable parents to further their education and be gainfully employed.
- Help train and educate teachers who understand and implement NAEYC’s developmentally appropriate practices for young children.