2023 N4C Leadership SeriesHow to Create Change and Align Higher Education Academic Programs and Faculty with Campus Children's CentersDegree programs and campus children’s centers go hand-in-hand in preparing the workforce. N4C members want to know where our colleagues are on this. Part 1: Hear from an alliance of faculty and directors of campus children's centers in Oregon that recently formed to strengthen the infrastructure of academic degree programs and the campus and campus-affiliated children's centers that collaborate with them. Tuesday Oct 3, 2 - 3:30 EST / 11 - 12:30 PST Part 2: Hear from faculty and directors about the infrastructure and relationships of their higher education institutions and campus children's centers. Learn how you can strengthen the professional status of ECE through advocacy for campus children's centers within your higher education institution and beyond. Thursday Oct 26, 12 - 1:30 EST / 9 - 10:30 PST
Presented by Amy Luhn, Oregon State University; Amy Howell, Central Oregon Community College; and Oscar Juarez, Oregon Coast Community College; and additional members of the Higher Education Early Learning Partnership of Oregon (HEELPO)
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